

    Master in Urban Planning and Environments

    Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers (Paris)

    Thesis  “London and Paris Open Spaces Economic and ecologic apraisal”


    Degree of Advanced Landscape Studies

     Versailles National School of Landscape Architecture

    Final Project: “Park Lighting for the St-Denis Canal (Stadium of France, St-Denis Cathedral and La Villette Park): Creating a New Attraction in Ile-de-France”


    Master in European&International Studies: Cities and Emerging Governance’s Territories Institute for European Studies/University Paris-8

    Thesis: “Open Spaces, Social and Ecological Stakes in Urban Rehabilitation: A Comparative Study between London and Paris”


    Degree in European & International Studies: Policies and Common Practice for Culture in Europe

    Institute for European Studies/University Paris-8


    Undergraduate Degree (3 years)

    Ecole du Louvre


    Professional Experience


    Feb.2009:     Dedale/AISBL Michael Culture, Administrator




    Dedale is a research, production and distribution platform uniting the arts and new technologies.

    For several years, Dedale has been a key contributor to European projects that explore digital culture, such as Michael Culture.

    > financial and administrative managment

    > coordination of public and governemental partnerships


    2002 - 2007:  Anomos, Lead Coordinator



    Pluridisciplinary cultural organisation (research, training, publications, project managment) focused on new artistic forms and emerging technologies.

    > general management and strategic planning

    > coordination of public and governemental partnerships

    > co-established a research platform for architecture, urban planning and new technologies



    2000 - 2001:  Faim de siècle Artists’ Collective, Manager



    Artists’ collective with collaboration between New York and Paris. Works produced under the auspices of Faim de siècle consider sociopolitical issues generated by cultural encounters and indentity mixing.

    > organization of works on tour internationally

    > general managment 

    > coordination of public and governemental partnerships


    1998 - 2000:   Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes, Junior European Project Manager



    Orgnaization supported by European Union funding to promote the presence of artists from various cultures and horizons on the European and international art scene. 

    > Organisation of the tenth anniversary meeting at Subsistances (Lyon)


    Personal Projects


    Jan.2007:     Bio_cité, Founder



    I created Bio_cité to provide solutions for urban greening and development, and to examine in depth current ecological, cultural and aesthetic issues at stake. To achieve thses goals, I have initiated several artistic and public interventions, as well as research and urban consulting.

    > June, 2009 - Led a thematic walk on urban invasive and edible herbs and how they can be used for cooking (Petit Bain http://www.petitbain.org/La-Cellule-Verte).

    > Sept, 2008 - Commissioned to run a guerrilla gardening workshop for the annual Emergences Festival (http://www.festival-emergences.info/2008/choix-par-artistes/bio-cite-cecile-brazilier_page-1.html).

    > Sept, 2008 - Created an experimental light and plant  laboratory in the Jardins Passagers (Villette Park, Paris), in partnership with Thorm Lighting.

    > Sept, 2007 -  Organization of the “Play Green/Vegetal Art City” Conferences as part of the Emergences Festival/Cité Internationale de Paris (http://www.ciup.fr/archives_expos_colloques_archi.htm).



    mapinfo, indesign, photoshop



    French (mother tongue)

    English, Spanish (spoken, written)

    Italian, Catalan (basic skills)